Wednesday, 29 April 2015

    Throughout human history, empires have always started off prosperous and with good moral 
values. But as time passes, they become decadent and filled with corruption, up to a point
where they become too weak from infighting to be able to defend against invaders, and
eventually they become conquered by outside forces.

This has happened in Babylon, Medo-Persia, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. It has also 
happened to the United States over the past century. The US started off a free nation, but is
slowly turning into a police state with the army doing drills to train to fight against the
American people, not to mention FEMA camps to imprison the population during Martial Law.
When we see how the country is falling apart, it makes sense that the country has been quietly
invaded by outside forces, such as the Federal Reserve, in order to destabilize the dollar over
time. With economic distress comes riots, and with that comes the perfect opportunity for the
government to pose as the saviours and enact any laws that they wish. It will also be a great
chance for the global elite to remove any sort of people (Christians, Libertarians, patriots,
etc..) who would speak out against and resist the emerging New World Order. With these people gone, and the US constitution eroded, there wouldn't be many obstacles in the way for the elite to establish their authoritarian one world government.

    In order to stabilize the deteriorated US, the country would be united with Canada and Mexico
under the treaty NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). This North American Union will
remove any sovereign rights of the three countries, as well and spread the police state that is
conquering US onto Canada and Mexico. There will also be other countries merging together under the distress from the fall of the dollar, forming other unions such as the South American
Union, Asian Union, European Union (the latter of which is already here). Having these
different countries merge together will make the eventual New World Order more palatable for
the masses since they will be introduced to having their rights stripped from them in a slow and gradual process.

    With the New World Order comes a new financial system which requires everyone to accept an RFID chip into their hand in order for them to be able to buy or sell.  There is a difference
between the New World Order and past empires, in that all the other empires in human history
have been limited to which part of the Earth that they rule from.  This one world government is
set to take over the governments of the entire planet.  Accepting the chip will be tempting
for many people, as it means temporary security, not to mention it will be pushed in the
mainstream media as something that is trendy and progressive. However, it would be wise to
refuse it, as it would be better to die than to work for and sustain a system that imprisons
our fellow humans and those people who are yet to be born. Do not feed the beast.

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